Hey, my name is

Facundo Savanco

Full-Stack Engineer

I'm a, Full Stack Developer passionate about creating amazing web applications by combining my skills in front-end and back-end. I love learning new technologies to develop innovative and high-quality solutions. You can check out some of my best projects in my portfolio. Feel free to reach out if you need an enthusiastic developer!

About Me

Growing up, my family always sparked my interest in programming, but I wasn't sure if it was something I wanted to pursue long-term. A few years ago, I decided to take the plunge and started with some basic projects in C++ and Python. Today, I'm a Full Stack Developer focused on creating amazing web applications by blending my skills in Python, JavaScript, and Typescript with modern frameworks like Django, Flask, React, and Vue.js. I thoroughly enjoy working on both the frontend with HTML, CSS, Tailwind, and frameworks like Next.js , as well as the backend using Python, Node.js, and relational and non-relational databases for CRUD operations.

I'm always eager to learn new technologies and industry trends so that I can develop innovative, efficient, and high-quality solutions, applying best practices like testing, design patterns, and SOLID principles.

You can check out some of my most notable projects in my portfolio, where I have put all my knowledge into practice. I hope you enjoy exploring them! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you are looking for a passionate developer to join your next exciting project.

My Projects

Mate and Dragons

E-commerce for yerba mate enthusiasts built with Next.js and React. Features dynamic product listings, advanced search, filtering, responsive design, theme toggle, and JWT user authentication. Admin functionalities include user and product management. Backend uses Symfony, PHP, and MySQL.

  • CSS (Tailwind)
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • PHP (Symfony)
  • MySQL
  • Git/Github
Mate and Dragons


A flight booking platform using React and Next.js, styled with Tailwind. The site fetches flight data from an API, offering features like budget-based search, detailed flight info, sorting, and pagination to help users find affordable flights easily, with minimal clicks.

  • CSS (Tailwind)
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Git/Github

Books & Swords

Fully responsive bookshop website, featuring four styled pages with animations, forms with validation, an integrated Google Maps iframe, a search engine and filtering for books, and data fetching from a public API, all synchronized via Git and published online.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • MySQL
  • Git/Github
Books & Swords

Online Library

A small web application for an online library. It illustrates my skills in handling various React and Next.js implementations. It contains visualization of JSON files, filters by genre and search by book title, a reading list, and more.

  • HTML
  • CSS (Tailwind)
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Git/Github
Online Library

Technical Institute

I redesigned a real ITSC website to strengthen my front-end and back-end knowledge. It contains pagination, responsiveness, animations, validated forms, and a functional CRUD that can operate on objects stored in the MySQL DB.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git/Github
  • Python (Flask)
Technical Institute


A website developed in collaboration with a team of programmers. It contains styled and responsive pages, animations, form validation, a search engine, and a functional CRUD to delete/add recipes from the database programmed in Python.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git/Github
  • Python
  • Flask

Andes Real Estate

Andes Real Estate website. Here I developed my front-end developer skills without using any libraries. It contains 4 fully styled, responsive, animated, and functional HTML pages, the use of public APIs, and forms.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git/Github
Andes Real Estate

My Skills

Contact Me

We can get in touch through facundosavanco@gmail.com or via this form.
